Arcsec is a spin-off company of KU Leuven that develops attitude determination and control systems for (small) satellites. These systems control the orientation of the satellite and are crucial for, for example, directing cameras on board the satellite to their target or for optimally positioning the solar panels in the sunlight. Arcsec sells components to companies and universities all over the world and collaborates with ESA on various research projects. The company is located in the center of Leuven.
Safran is an international high-technology group, operating in the aviation (propulsion, equipment and interiors), defense and space markets. Its core purpose is to contribute to a safer, more sustainable world, where air transport is more environmentally friendly, comfortable and accessible. Safran has a global presence, with 92 000 employees and sales of 23.2 billion euros in 2023, and holds, alone or in partnership, world or regional leadership positions in its core markets. Safran undertakes research and development programs to maintain the environmental priorities of its R&T and innovation roadmap. For more information, please visit
ADB SAFEGATE is a company that provides integrated solutions to airports, airlines, and ANSPs. We are proud to be leading the way with innovative and smart Airside 4.0 solutions that turn airports into smart airports, with the goal of enhancing the passenger experience.
Solutions include airfield lighting, power and control systems, airport and tower software, docking automation, apron management, and aftermarket services. With over 1,400 employees and over 2,700 airports in over 175 countries, from the busiest and largest to the fastest-growing airports, ADB SAFEGATE is dedicated to making air travel safe, efficient, and environmentally friendly.
Information for companies
Is your company interested in collaborating with EUROAVIA Leuven? Take a look at the possibilities!
EUROAVIA Leuven is financially dependent on corporate sponsorship. Is your company interested in supporting us? Please contact us to receive the sponsor brochure!
Company visit
Giving students, who usually sit alone at a school desk, a look behind the scenes can be a great experience. Is your company interested in opening its facilities to curious engineering students? Be sure to contact us to discuss the details!
EUROAVIAns are eager to learn the future prospects, challenges and latest innovations in the aviation and space industry. Can you provide a speaker to give a lecture in an auditorium in Leuven to put your company in the spotlight? The reception afterwards is an excellent opportunity to network with motivated students.
For more information about corporate relations, please contact us at: