
If you are looking for extra-curricular activities related to aerospace, EUROAVIA Leuven is the association for you!
Members get access to accelerated communication via a WhatsApp group and exclusive activities.

The one-year membership costs €5 and is for students only.

We will not store this information, but it will be used to check whether you were able to participate in the WhatsApp group.
A membership at EUROAVIA Leuven costs €5 and is valid from September 2024 to September 2025. The requested information will not be shared with third parties and is only used for membership administration. Email addresses are used to notify members of events and interesting industry information. If at any time a member no longer wishes to receive emails, they can contact us and they will be removed from the list without losing their membership.

 Inschrijving is ontvangen/Registration has been received

Om je inschrijving officieel te maken moet het lidgeld nog betaald worden.
Gelieve €5 over te schijven op de rekening BE54 7343 3218 5397 met vermelding Lidgeld - Voornaam Achternaam.
Daarna zal je een mail ontvangen met de link naar de WhatsApp groep.

To make your registration official, the membership fee still needs to be paid.
Please transfer €5 to the account BE54 7343 3218 5397 stating Membership fee - First name Last name.
You will then receive an email with the link to the WhatsApp group.

After submitting the form, you will be informed how the payment will proceed. Membership is official once the amount has been received.